About me
Startup Entrepreneur

8+ years of top-level management experience in high-growth startup companies, defining overall company vision and strategy and interfacing with other C-Levels, management team and investors

Software Engineering

20+ years of experience designing and building large-scale software engineering projects covering the whole lifecycle from ideation and requirements engineering through design and development to operations and maintenance

People Management

Managing diverse development teams locally, nearshore in Romania and offshore in India using agile methodologies and processes with up to 40 people

Technical Expertise

Deep technical expertise in modern cloud architectures, developed on different platforms with .NET, Java or Python using a broad range of frameworks, using different cloud services

Stakeholder Management

Managing different internal & external stakeholders as well as IT vendor relationships

Showcases and Key Achievements
JUN 2021 - AUG 2023
Building a two-tower recommender system that is integrated into a full information retrieval pipeline. Inspired by the architecture of YouTube, we extended our existing full-text search infrastructure with a recommendation engine that re-ranks search results based on a deep neural network. It uses several hundred datapoints of the current job seeker to find correlations to other job seeker’s preferences in order to find the perfect job for that particular user.
My role and responsibilities
  • Lead a cross-functional product team of data engineers, machine learning engineers and data scientists through the implementation phases with rapid prototyping
  • A/B testing the new recommendation engine against the plain-vanilla search infrastructure finding an uplift of 20% in conversion rate
Used technologies
Python, PyTorch, Keras, MLFlow, BERT/USE embeddings, ElasticSearch
JUN 2019 - JAN 2023
Invention, design and implementation of JobCoach, a conversation UI that enables natural language  conversations with job seekers. The user input is transformed into structured data thus creating a 360° profile of the preferences, experiences and personality of the job seeker. This user profile is used to find the perfect matching job and revolutionizes the way, people find jobs.
My role and responsibilities
  • Invention, design and user testing of the first concepts of JobCoach together with a Product Designer, Product Manager and Lead Developer
  • Lead a development team through the implementation phases with rapid prototyping
  • Guide the commercial launch of JobCoach including securing a trademark and marketing initiatives
Used technologies
Java 17, Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform,  OpenAI GPT-3.5/4.0, Python
NOV 2009 - MAR 2012
Development of RWE Smarthome, a consumer-oriented home automation platform based on Microsoft technology. The platform was built around an embedded device that allows radio control of thermostats, power switches etc. The platform can be used through the web browser or mobile devices from home or remote.
My role and responsibilities
  • Architect for all client components (Silverlight and Mobile frontends, ASP.NET website)
  • Lead developer on a development team of 10+ members across three different partner companies
  • Interface between customer, local and nearshore development team, design agency and testing teams
  • Stabilization Lead managing bug triaging, quality metrics and reporting for shipping the first version of the product
  • Definition of the development process (based on SCRUM) and implementation in TFS
Used technologies
Java 17, Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform,  OpenAI GPT-3.5/4.0, Python
My Startup Investments
As a pre-seed investor, I support early-stage startups with my technical expertise, network and funding. Here is a selection of the startups I am working with:
Audibene (Exit 2019)
audibene is the fastest-growing hearing care company ever. We are driven by our belief that every person should hear well to live well. With our unique digital business model, we have changed the way hearing care is provided. We are a profitable global health-technology company with origins in Europe.
Metals Hub (Exit 2020)
metalshub is building the metals marketplace of the future. We believe that technology will transform the way metals and ferroalloys are bought and sold. Our vision is to become the leading global platform for the metals and ferroalloys community.
DR SMILE (Exit 2020)
DR SMILE korrigiert Deine Zahnfehlstellung innerhalb weniger Monate mit durchsichtigen, maßgeschneiderten Zahnschienen (Alignern). Alles zu einem fairen Preis und unter ärztlicher Betreuung mit Zufriedenheits-Garantie.
Carl Finance (Exit 2022)
Carl Finance provides a platform for the acquisition and divestment of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Through a confidential network, company owners, advisors and investors are able to privately explore potential transactions.
Diametos GmbH develops the world's first and only medical device for medical grade snoring diagnosis using artificial intelligence. Our medical device gives sleep specialists a precise tool to support clinical snoring root cause diagnosis. For successful treatment and satisfied patients.
Roger - Der Copilot für ZMVs und Zahnärzte
Roger ist eine Software für ZMVs und Zahnärzte. Roger erinnert Patienten selbständig an überfällige Behandlungspläne. So erhöht er den Umsatz und entlastet das Team. Jeden Tag.
NEOintralogistics rüstet Fachbodenanlagen für die Zukunft. Durch modernste Robotiklösungen und unsere Steuerungssoftware NEOos erreichen wir die höchsten Kennzahlen in der Ein- und Auslagerung von Artikeln.
Mit knapp 5 Mio. Usern sind wir heute DIE Jobplattform und Experten für Blue- und Grey-Collar-Recruiting. Wir setzen alles daran, den perfekten Match zu finden und den Recruitingprozess einfacher, schneller und transparenter zu gestalten – für beide Seiten.
WAY is a platform for SMEs to manage all employee IT. We make it effortless to securely enable employees with devices, apps & files.